
Talk the talk, walk the walk


04-08-2014, 04:41 PM

Ebony had been a bust, the wolves to meager to be called allies. The brute had made that clear when he took offense to her way of speaking. She didn't mind, there were several packs she still had to check out. One in particular was at the top of her list. Glaciem. She remained how the Ice King had so brutally maimed his own son, and the father of her children. Glaciem had also won the war against Valhalla, nearly wiping out the pack.

This powerful allure brought the woman to the North, far away from her home and out of her comfortable temperatures. The stench of the pack was overwhelming, it brought her behemoth form to a halt at the borders edge. She took a moment to look around, she knew Glaciem was large, and had vast territory to accommodate everyone.

Silver crown would tip back, a call flowing easily from her jaws. She had never officially met anyone from Glaciem, aside from Taurig. She had no idea if the Ice King still ruled or what the status was on the pack. The woman would wait quietly, audits at attention, listening for sound of another approaching. It had been exhausting searching for allies, traveling so far from home, she wasn't willing to strike out again.