
The World Is Gonna Know Your Name



03-29-2013, 05:41 PM

This. This was ridiculous. Something in his brain buzzed. It was irritation. Not irritation towards them. No. The irritation was that how could they fight over another wolf while that wolf stood idly by and LET them do so. How did that make sense? It didn't. Not to him at least. They acted as if they owned the girl. Tortuga had never owned any of it's members. They could choose to stay, or they could choose to go. If they choose to leave, well it wasn't the wisest decision to make. If you valued your life. Regardless they still had freedoms.

One by one he watched silently from his perch. He was hidden in the grasses and his scent was hidden. He'd rolled in multiple herbal substances on the way. It was easier to blend in that way after all. He could still hear their conversation. Kaien's excuse at not fighting. It wasn't an excuse in his eyes, he had his own reasons. They were different than Kaien's, but still reasons nonetheless as to why he would not battle to keep Cyanide.

Collision's words, their Beta's, Grinner's even. All seemed pointless in his eyes. He was a man of words. He loved words. He could often get what he wanted just by speaking. He also knew that some times actions spoke so much more loudly. Morphine came on the scene. He was aware that the girl enjoyed a good fight. Kaien had granted the girl with a spar in his stead. It'd been interesting. He should have known she'd be here today.

Eyes flickered to their Beta. Taking her stepping forward and opening her mouth he took that as his cue to interrupt. Long lanky legs pushed against the ground propelling him forward towards the soon to be battlefield. Words swam in his head as two-tone blue orbs watched the gal, calculating on what he'd say in response. He wouldn't give Kaien to open his mouth.

"Oh no child. It's still silly. All of you bickering over Cyanide and Neo. What happened to free choice? Hmmm?" He chuckled, coming to a halt his head lowered and tail waving behind him. A smile crept up on his face as he gave them a devilish grin. His face also spoke volumes of irritation at the very scent.

"If Cyanide wishes to go live in Valhalla because she believes that her life will be improved then why not just simply let her? It will have been of her own free will though. Who are we to say we control you? The last time I checked Cyanide was not our slave. We are not slave masters. Or was I wrong in believing that we could all do what we like? That we do not have our own free will? Granted there are always consequences for said actions, but we still have the freedom to choose for ourselves. Or has moving to this new land changed our judgement for things? Neo left you of his own free will. It would be cruel to drag him back to a place in which he is loyal to no more. You'd do nothing to him than make him hate you more. He'd beyond corrupted. Useful to you know more."

It was directed towards them all. It was all foolish bickering. With both Alphas here Tortuga would fall into an uneasy state. If both Alphas got injured there wouldn't be very many left to defend the pack as a leader. At least one of them needed to avoid battle. He didn't expect Morphine to cease her battle if they pushed the issue. He doubted his words made much of an impact, he didn't expect them to, but just in case they didn't cease the fighting Nnoitra could at least play a part in this battle in Kaien's stead.

eyes flickered back to the white and reddish-brown female.His head tucked inwards to protect his throat and ears flicked backwards as he pinned them against his skull for protection. His tail stuck straight out behind him for balance and his stance widened for stability. He offered here a toothy grin, a wicked gleam in his two different toned blue eyes.

"I will not let two of the Alphas fight, but if you insist upon a fight then why not fight an old man. I haven't had a good fight in a long while. Neo may still fight for his freedom. I will not fight over him else that be hypocritical. But since it will be that way how about this. If you win you have the right to challenge him later once you are healed. If I win you lose the right to try and claim him back to your pack. Fair trade doll?"
