
Talk the talk, walk the walk


04-08-2014, 06:32 PM

The blue-cloaked Queen rarely spent any time at all in the pines anymore, but something had drawn her here this morning. It had been a few days since Etern had begun the spar training with the youths, and had been nearly a week or more since the pack meeting she'd held. She had half a mind to think that Isardis would likely be furious with her for letting so many wolves go, but of what use were they if they didn't want to be here? Hadn't they learned that when they had taken those Valhallan-allied wolves prisoner? She would have to come up with a valid argument for what she'd done, but ultimately she would have to rely on his love for her to keep his temper at bay. She only hoped that would be enough.

A call rang out, nearly startling her due to how close it was in proximity to her location. Ears shifted toward the source as her legs took up a bouncing and confident trot. Head and tail lifted high with pride as she neared the silver woman. ?You stand on the Northern border of Glaciem, and you address its' Queen - Sendoa Armada.? It was best the stranger knew whom she was dealing with right off the bat. Tail slacked slightly as she stood before the woman, interested in what had brought her here.
