
Talk the talk, walk the walk


04-08-2014, 06:47 PM

Much to her surprise, she would not wait long. A blue woman approaching at a steady trot, her movements fluid and confident. The woman wasted no time in introducing herself and stating her place within the pack. A small would lift dark lips, her stance nearly mirroring the woman's as she took her turn to speak. "Its a pleasure to meet you dear. I am Queen of Elysium, Cataleya, and I come seeking possible allies." She would get right to the point, no need to beat around the bush when this Queen clearly wasn't going to.

"I know little of Glaciem, only that its King, if he still rules that is, has a rather ruthless temper and a thing for women." A low chuckle would roll off her tongue as her mind drifted to Taurig and what had become of him. His own father had brought the titan to his knees. It was not her intention to insult this woman if she had any relation with the King, the silver temptress simply spoke the truth about what she knew. He did have quite the reputation after all.