
Talk the talk, walk the walk


04-08-2014, 07:09 PM

The woman's tone was confident, competent, and rather charming. Emerald gaze drifted over the silver woman with interest, the faintest of smiles creeping across her lips. This one had class. She was a Queen, as she introduced herself, of Elysium. Yes, there had been whispers of a pack by that name - but just that, whispers. She then spoke of Isardis, and Sendoa found herself stiffening ever so slightly, but she soon relaxed herself. One day she would get used to Isardis' reputation - but not today. ?Yes that seems to be his reputation alright, but I wouldn't believe everything you hear Miss Cataleya. There are all too many subordinates willing to whisper anything in a Queen's ear.? Boy, was that the truth. ?Isardis still rules, but is taking a leave of absence - I stand in as first in command of Glaciem. Pray tell, what sort of allies are you looking for?? She breathed calmly, placidly, the comment of her lover's reputation having finally rolled off of her hide like a droplet of water. She would think of it no more, and hopefully it would not be brought up again. It was his very reputation that irked her the most, and it had quickly become her intent to change that - if she could - while she had the power to do so.
