
Talk the talk, walk the walk


04-08-2014, 07:29 PM

It would not go unnoticed that the darker Queen stiffened at the mentioning of the pallid King. The temptress would act as though nothing happened, taking everything in stride. She listened carefully, nodding in agreement with the woman. "I couldn't agree more. I do hope he returns soon. But onto matter of business, my pack is young, growing, and though I would like to avoid war, it happens. I seek nothing more than protection for my pack. I would hope that as Queen, we could come to an agreement of sorts, a mutual friendship between our packs."

Words rolled off her tongue with practiced ease, the woman had no problem telling this Queen what she wanted. She didn't know what went on within these borders, nor did she care, so long as she had an alliance that could pack her up should she never need. And in return, she was prepared to offer her own services to Glaciem. "I don't doubt that Glaciem would make for a power ally, one that I could trust and rely on, and in return I offer the same from Elysium. I have visited another pack, but they seemed to have taken offense to me." A twisted grin and low chuckle came from the woman, thinking back to encounter with the Ebony man.

"My members are a bit on the...unorthodox side per say." She chose her words carefully, speaking thoughtfully, she didn't want to scare the woman off. "I offer a home to the outcasts of society, those deemed unfit to be around others. I train them, and perfect their skills, turning them into effective, ruthless warriors." The woman hoped it would be enough to satisfy the Queen, that she wouldn't be turned off by the killers that resided back home.