
I'm Here With Out You

Twig I


04-08-2014, 10:38 PM
She just wanted to cry herself away, the pain she felt was so deep and so wide she never thought she would cross to the other side. Her eyes were rose red from the tears that would fall from their depths, her nose slightly running in result of her sobbing. Her heart ripped from her chest and torn to pieces by a creature so fowl he would never be thought of as a wolf in her eyes. She would feel the gentle press of her brother at her side, no matter her hurt he would be a welcome comfort in such a time of need. His voice soul utter words of loss, ending with the reminder of the missing form of their mother. The night would flutter into her mind's eye and temporarily remove thoughts of her own daughter gone before her time. More tears would flow from her orchid eyes, while Jinxx would gently lap them away. "But how Jinxx? How can I make the best of losing my child" her words were a slight whisper as she pushed her face into his fur, her sobs quiet against his warm frame. His words would caress her ears yet again, he would remind her of the girl's beauty and dreams. She would sigh heavily as the feeling of loss would course through her, still so very fresh within her mind. Jinxx would gently remind her of where the tiny girl had gone, of uniting with her grandmother and being taken into her care. Fern would never learn of her uncles atrocities or her father's crimes. She would forever be safe from the worlds harsheties. Unlike her mother. Did she crave the beyond now? Would she find solace beyond the grave, with her daughter and mother waiting on her? "It's so painful." her heart was broken as well as her body and sprit. Physical pain would course through her veins even as she sat quietly with her brother. She didn't know what she would do, only that she knew how terrible the pain continued to be. With effort the girl would take up the herbs originally offered to her by her cross marked brother, taking him on his word that they would help.?