
Worlds can't part us



2 Years
04-08-2014, 11:21 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2014, 11:38 PM by Crucifix.)

The golden glow of daylight was creeping ever forward and the rays of colour would find the picture of a family in their moment of reuniting. The darker brute would hold her close to him and breathe in the sweet scent of her as he buried his nose into her coat and took in the memories that every inhale unlocked. ?i'm here, i'm here? she would repeatedly soothe and he would gasp out a light laugh, husky and deep but short of breath from his own delight. ?That you are my Twig, that you are? He would murmur back, losing his voice as he buried it ever further in the bulk of her fur. The feel of her frailty as he held her shocked him. He always remembered as being so big, and strong and independent. To see her this way, cutting a small stature beside him almost left him without breath as he wondered at all the fates that might had befallen her.

They both seemed to cling to each other in disbelief, holding on like they intended to never again let go. Cru certainly was of this mind, where once he had found himself in the shadow of Twig, lovingly copying her and always getting it as backwards as their mismatched coats, and thinking how so long as she was there everything would be ok. Now, as he stood that tiniest bit taller then her and looked down against her warm, frail body he decided he never wanted to let her go again.; Perhaps it was his turn to look out for his older sister, and find out about the life she had lived without him. ?And I, to you, with the disbelief? he would chuckle, the vibration of his throat tickling against her coat. ?If you are here Twig, did any other of the Black family also find their way here??