
War Horse Chronicles


04-09-2014, 12:07 AM

Ryuk since the age of 2, has been trained in the art of war. He has not known leisure nor companionship of others asides from those who were under his command on the field, and the Prince that he served under. He served as a guardian, a savior, keeping his Master Prince alive and out of trouble to the best of his abilities and sacrificing himself for the sake of his soldiers. However, fate would not grant him the ability to save everyone...for eventually after a long rein of victories, his Prince was felled by an arrow to the heart. His companions dying one by one until he was one of few survivors left in the aftermath. Mankind had brought their own downfall, and so Ryuk had been left alone on the battlefield, muddied, scarred, and broken.

And yet he prevailed, for he returned home with his fallen rider. He returned to his companions Kuso & Hikaru, to reform the odd trio of Horse, Moose, and Reindeer. They were inseparable until the enemy kingdom returned to finish off the job they had started. The villagers who remained would flee whilst the kingdom fought back, and together the trio would fight for their kingdom as well until the realization came that they would not win. With this realization, Ryuk and his friends fled, though not without the scars of war that forever mark their bodies and minds. They've not seen each other since/ Ryuk continues to search for them, never losing hope until he is certain that his friends are safe and well, or unless it is certain that they are no more.

Ryuk is new to Alacritia, and thus far knows nobody save for Obsidian. (What are the odds of that.) He is in need of the following:

-Friends: Ryuk is open to having companions who want to stick around and follow him, talk to, and who will remain loyal to one another.

-Enemies: Ryuk is prone to making enemies due to his nature, there is the chance he will not agree with, and/or butt heads with others. Enemies might potentially find themselves in the crossfires of his mighty hooves should they cross paths.

-Rivals: Ryuk is also prone to making "Frienemies." Those who can forge a friendly rivalry and who are willing to spar on occasion in friendly sport.

-Followers: Ryuk is planning to start his own herd of sorts.(Mini pack.) For this, a few loyal followers who will remain true to him and whom he can trust to begin this. He will not accept those who will potentially be dishonorable. Betray him, and you may find yourself without a body part and/or broken bones.

-Guardian/savior: Due to his nature, Ryuk views himself as a guardian/savior type. He has a soft spot for young vulnerable wolves, and will help those that need it.

-Babysitter: Ryuk has a secret soft spot for young children, so will often find himself in predicaments where he may suddenly become the babysitter, however unwillingly, though will not protest.

Anything else you'd like to do, post below or PM this account and we will discuss it.