
Night Time Songs of Summer


04-09-2014, 02:29 AM

The night would seem to drag on, though from her perspective, the little girl didn't really have a sense of time yet. She just watched the stars move, hoping her mother would return...a nearby noise would soon cause her to lift her head, a familiar sound nearby caught her attention, and for a moment she thought it to be her mother for it was a sound that her mother did to softly call to her. However, as the silhouette came closer, Rikku was surprised to see that it was not her mother, but someone else she had never met before. Nor had she ever seen another like her besides her mother, weren't all horses golden?

She would stare wide eyed at the stranger, nostrils flaring as she gazed up at the giantess. She smelled pleasant, calming even. And Rikku wondered who she was. It did not take long for her to learn, for almost immediately the mare had greeted and given a name. Ears reached forward as much as possible, curiosity gnawing at her. Nostrils flared wider to take in her scent, sides heaving with each inhalation of breath she took until finally, she was satisfied. Looking up with wide eyed wonder, she responded. "R-Ri...Ri...Rikku!" Finally! Her name had left her lips. The girl gazing up excitedly at Obsidian, reached forward to get a closer whiff of the woman's snout, while at the same time her belly would protest its hunger. "M-Momma?"
