
Hurt [open]


03-29-2013, 10:15 PM

She had no use for the fallen dames name. Nor did she care what her name was. All she knew was that she lay here wounded outside the protection of her pack lands. Foolish girl. Her injuries put her at a serious disadvantage in a fight. Jaws parted to speak but she was interrupted by the thundering sounds of paws racing towards them. Water splashed at the brute broke the surface, only coming to a stop to put himself between the silvery dame and his packmate.

Lips curled back in a snarl as he spat his words at her. "I do believe that you have no authority in these lands baby." taunting words dripped honey, eyes caressing every inch the brute before her. A dark gray pelt, with one oddly colored leg. White covering various parts of him. And his most startling feature was his crimson eyes that currently glared at her.

Lips curled up once more in a sneer, only adding to dark look. The soft splashing of water gave away that the dame was clearly happy to see the burly beast. Siblings perhaps? Or maybe lovers? Orbs shifted briefly between the two, a brow lifting ever so slightly.

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