
Night Time Songs of Summer



13+ Years
Extra large
04-09-2014, 07:01 AM

The mare?s heart melted a bit as the wide hazel eyes of the foal found her, the filly?s small nostrils flaring to catch her scent. It was so different from how wolf pups were. Upon Obsidian?s greeting, the filly spoke her name in a fit and start sort of way. Perhaps still working out how to talk? Rikku. The little filly seemed delighted by her accomplishment, and Obsidian smiled faintly, tail swishing softly. As Rikku reached out her head toward the black mare, Obsidian responded likewise, letting the velvet nose of the foal brush against her nostrils, a warm, grass fed breath huffing out in the instinctive manner of equine introduction.

She had Rikku?s scent embedded in her mind now, to be filed away with a list of all those she knew. The next word Rikku spoke caused Obsidian?s ears to prick slightly. Momma. Where was this little filly?s dam? Her head raised, high into the air, and she scanned the prairie. No sign of another mare, anywhere. Her eyes dropped to the ground, and she thought she could discern faint hoof prints in the starlight. She?d have to find Cormalin, or Sarak, maybe. Both were excellent trackers. ?No, pet. I?m not your mama. When did you last see her?? She wasn?t this filly?s mother yet, but if no dam returned, Obsidian would take her as her own. The cogs were turning in her mind like the wheels on a jig cart. Erani knew how to start a wolf?s milk flowing, when they hadn?t had pups to get it flowing for them? Could that work for a horse?