
Let The Walls Fall Down



04-09-2014, 08:14 AM

Dayton lent an affectionate ear to Misha as she shared more of her story. He was glad she felt comfortable opening up to him now. Her mother had died when giving birth, and Misha was an only child. Her father, a healer, and managed to raise her without mother's milk. That was quite impressive in itself. He imagined that could have been part of the reason that the girl had such a petite figure. As a pup she probably missed out on some of the nutrients she required. The boy let his amber gaze be fixed on something in the distance as the words continued to pass her lips. One spring day, her father had disappeared. He tried to picture how lonely she would have been, and failed. It hurt to much to think about. He only wanted to see Misha with a smile, the one she had been wearing when he'd laid his head against hers. That shy, tender smile.

He began to feel angry as the story moved to Ahote. He had played with the maiden, captured her heart and then stomped it into the dust. It was wrong to take advantage of someone so young and innocent. He ached for her and felt her pain, nuzzling his chin into her head. Things were quiet again, so he spoke. His soft voice barely disrupted the silence. "I'm so sorry, Misha. This Ahote should never have done that to you. If I were bigger, and stronger, I would track him down and hurt him for what he did to you." These thoughts had already entered his mind many times before, but he decided to voice them, to make the maiden understand how he cared. This was wrong. She should not be in this kind of pain.
