
Do you wanna build a snowman?



5 Years
04-09-2014, 08:26 AM

It was soon apparent that they were disturbing the others, as her firstborn daughter and heir sat up, clearly in a temper. Raisa was not sure whether to chuckle or sigh, so she did both. "Valeriya, be kind. It's an hour past dawn anyways, time to get up." Raisa began nosing around the den, doing her best to jostle the other children into an awakened state. It was time, she'd decided, for them to see the world and meet her pack in their entirety, if the other members were so available. She stood slowly, careful to make note of where each little body lay. "Come along children, time to face the day." She smiled down at her creations, each so unique and precious to her. She did not mind that they did not know their father, they had an entire pack to father them, as well as Virgil, who had promised to see them as her own, just as Raisa would see the Olympian pups as objects of her own affection. Raisa leaned over to nudge Valeriya, ushering her to her feet. "The day grows old while you sleep it away." Raisa smiled and made her way towards the entrance of them den, wanting to be at it's mouth when her children saw the world for the first time. It would not be for long, she knew. Most likely only a breath of fresh air before she ushered them back within, away from the cold. Still, it was precious none the less.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!