
The Will of the Gods [Meeting]


04-09-2014, 08:36 AM
ooc;; assume the kids here even if they don't post. A few have absense notices up :)

She was fatigued and exhausted, not just physically but mentally too. She hurt in places she didn't think she could hurt from laying tensed around her children throughout the earthquake. The worst she found were her hips and shoulders, she didn't want to move. The mixture of fear and rage that had coursed through her while the earth had trembled around them had left her just as mentally drained as well. So when Song called the pack meeting Vi could barely lift her head, eyes blinking slowly to try and register the sound. She was hungry. She didn't know how long it had been since the ground had ceased it's shaking but she had not left her den since. Her children were still not completely weaned so they had nursed during the time but Vi had not eaten. Hunger gnawed at we stomach, twisting and turning her guys as a rumble rolled up and down her ribs in protest. But it continued to remain ignored as she stood, long limbs unfurling from around her children as she pulled herself out of the den and motioned for her children to follow. "Come on dears, the Oracle had called and we shall answer..." All she could manage was a horse whisper, words not coming as easily as they normally did. She waited for all of them to exit before setting off towards the sound, sometimes leading, other times herding her pack of pups. When they arrived she would force a weak smile for Song alone, nodd to a few other familiar faces before almost falling onto her haunches. "Come children, sit close. It's time to listen. Maybe she has some exciting news!" She was able to feign excitement as she gazed down at her children. What would have happened if she had lost any of them? What would she have done?