
Teach Me



8 Years
04-09-2014, 08:42 AM

The man waited quietly for the girl to reply and watched her as she examined the plants he had placed at his paws. He wasn't sure if she was debating on her answer or just so excited she had no words. Either way he would wait for her to tell him what ever it was she was going to tell him.

As Callisto looked up at him, Max noticed her glancing at the marks on his forehead. She was definitely a curious one, and he looked forward to answering any questions she might ask. "you should know that I already know about mint, sage, and lavender." her words brought a smile to his face and before he could speak, her voice came again and this time soft laughter escaped him.

She wanted to learn, whether she had a mentor or not she was determined to learn. That small little fact reminded him of himself. "Well Callisto, your in luck as I have no Mint, Sage or Lavender with me. Everything I have here is new to you so we will begin with these." he gestured toward the plants before using his paw to move them until they were no longer over the topes of each other.

None of the herbs he had at the moment were poisonous but he had a few in his den for when he might need them. They were hidden and separated from his healing herbs. He would teach those to her at a later date. For now though he would begin with Meadowsweet, Marigold, Earth Smoke / Fumitory, Dandelion, and Alfalfa. "All I have here is Meadowsweet, Marigold, Earth Smoke / Fumitory, Dandelion, and Alfalfa. I will let you choose our starting herb and then I will tell you everything I know about it."

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)