
The World Is Gonna Know Your Name


03-30-2013, 01:49 AM

Thank you Chesh ♥

She waited in patient silence for the anticipated retaliation from either of the Valhallan creatures before her, her pupils darting from each pair of eyes that varied from Valhallan, Tortugan, and undetermined, residing upon the undetermined?s for a fraction of a second longer than the others. She desired nothing more than to hear the girl whom had resided within Tortuga?s ranks for as long as Morphine herself to defend Nnoitra; she wanted nothing more than to prove the woman wrong for her assumed accusations against Kaien and Tortuga as a whole. Morphine could regurgitate the facts to make Cyanide?s arguments for desiring a switch in allegiances illegitimate, and she was prepared for it. She was prepared to question what honor meant to the traitor who spoke of it when she remained frozen on the sidelines and allowed another ? a stranger ? to fight for her sake and freedom. It was not honorable in the eyes of the petite woman; it was simply the perfect display of cowardice. However prepared Morphine had been to argue with the woman, the traitor was not the first to pipe up and defend her position, and, instead, the king of Valhalla spoke in the pallid queen?s direction. His words were accusatory and simultaneously respectful and demanded her undivided attention, and she did not cut him off, allowing him to speak his piece until its conclusion. A twinge of pride arose within the wench as he spoke compliments of her, but she did not express gratitude towards the brutish goliath before her and remained unreadable; her infamous smirk was still plastered to her lovely countenance. She did not break eye contact with the male until he mentioned the aspect of interest in her leading Tortuga alone, and only then did her eyes briefly waver to Kaien to catch his reaction; she was unsure whether she should be offended or flattered with the comment.

I wish to fight to keep the traitor ? nothing more, nothing less, she corrected the male airily, denying him the exact explanation as to why she desired to keep the bitch. Keen eyes fell upon his stance as he readied himself for a brawl, allowing her grin to crack her visage even further as her body recognized the telltale signs of the source to her euphoric pleasure: fighting ? none of this sparring bullshit that had been forced upon her when she had first intended on brawling the pallid male who stood to her side now. Adopting the typical defensive stance with her skull and tail leveled to her spinal cord, her ears pinned to her crown to avoid easy grabbing, and her eyes narrowed to deny easy access to being blinded, she nodded a single time with his next set of words, but any further action she had planned on was delayed as the other Valhallan chimed in towards Kaien and herself.

The multi-hued juvenile spoke accusations similar to her supposed brother, and Morphine could not help but allow a chortle to slip from her jaws in response. Au contraire, Miss Valhalla, she sneered, I absolutely want her. Her vocals were spoken with an evident venom not one could miss, but she doubted the juvenile knew exactly what Morphine wanted with Cyanide. If she was a traitor, she was worth a considerable amount to Morphine, not for her apparent skills in the assassination department, but for the knowledge she held on Tortuga. Information could easily be passed from Cyanide?s tongue if she so loathed Tortuga and reach conniving ears that desired to harm the reserved pack. If Cyanide was won back into Tortuga, there was no denying that she would be murdered on the spot for her act of treason. But the juvenile?s challenge against Kaien was a lost cause, and the queen knew it. If Neo was won back into Valhalla, Morphine doubted the same fate would fall upon the young traitor as was expected to fall upon Cyanide if she was won back, and the passionate young thing would surely not take kindly with his family?s interference with his own desires and rebel against them further. She wanted to speak those presumptions with the girl, but before she was granted the opportunity, Nnoitra emerged from hiding, taking Morphine aback slightly. He spoke the thoughts she had just conjured; the former king never ceased to impress the bitch. She quirked a brow as she watched the bunch, amused with the entire situation that was unfolding before her and looked to Kaien as he was released from making the decision to fight. However disappointed she was that Kaien would not be brawling with the juvenile, Nnoitra had made a valid point that it would have been unwise for both alphas to end up with injuries at once, and she switched her attention back to Collision, retaining her old defenses.

She pushed off from her hind legs, sprinting across the arena in the direction of the brute whom she dwarfed by a measurable amount and closed the gap between them in a short period of time. Despite her momentum, Morphine was aware that her combined speed and weight would be rendered useless when up against the heavier opponent, so her tactic during this fight would be to strike quickly and then widen the space between her and the male immediately afterwards in an attempt to avoid head-to-head combat that she was sure he?d exceed at. Her first planned attack, however, went against this strategy, for the attack she was going for was typical for her first maneuver out of the moves in her violent bag of tricks. Her attempt would be to clamp down upon the lower jaw of the male, and with her size and unhinged jaws, she was blissfully aware that it would be unlikely for him to duck and manage to grasp at her throat without dropping onto his stomach first, which would take a considerable amount of time that was limited with Morphine?s speed. If he side-stepped her attack at the last second, she?d continue to sprint through where he was currently rooted to avoid any blows to her body and grant herself enough space for her own safety. She did not need to finish this fight to know that it would be a grand one; Valhalla was sure to have raised their overgrown children to be pristine militants. Her expectations were no lower than that.

Speech. Thought. 1065.

round one of four

attacks ? sprinting at collision with the intention to grab his mandible between both of her own jaws. ye, i'm aware that every fight morphine has been in, this is her first attack, but that is what i've deemed her..ah..signature move? xD

defenses ? body aligned, ears pinned to crown, eyes narrowed. i consider her size to play a key role in her defenses here because it would be hard for collision, who is 16 inches taller than morphine, to duck and grasp at the vital parts of her throat without ducking and then tilting his head upwards..i felt the need to clear that up here, but of course others may see it differently! i also mentioned that, if lube uses a dodge here, morphine will continue to sprint right through the spot collision is in to make it difficult for him to grasp at the front half of her body since i figured it would take a bit of time for collision to dodge and then turn to bite at her.

injuries ? none ; first round.

sorry for posting before you've had the chance to edit your post, seren ; o ;
i just wanted to get morphine's input on chrys' words before you had the chance to properly respond... i also wonder if there should be a strict posting order since it's two fights that are happening simultaneously so that it doesn't get too confusing? feel free to shoot down the idea guys: after my post would be lu's, then seren's, then shrap's?