
our tiny souls


04-09-2014, 05:08 PM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2014, 05:08 PM by Victoria.)

The dame would enter the dark forest, expecting the sight of many wolves. Her auds flicked as eerie hoots and howls filled the air, her cyan irises narrowed. The dame was not afraid of this forest, as she still carried herself with much pride as she could muster. Her elegant pillars worked quickly to lead her amongst the tangle of thorns and bramble. Lifting her crown, the dame inhaled, looking to scent any wolf. She could smell many, each scent clashing with one another. Along her back, her hackles rose as her body slid back, in a hostile posture as she growled to herself. "Good job, Victoria. You've gotten yourself in pack territory. Possibly a hostile pack as well." The lady swiveled her ears forward once more as she heard the crunch of leaves, watching silently as a small mouse scurried amongst the cover. She awaited a response to her presence, thinking to herself. This pack may be hostile, but I could challenge its leader to prove my strength and join it. Then I can train with them to become stronger, and then I can not be known as just a humble princess.

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