
Dance upon my reveree



04-09-2014, 05:22 PM

He would bring himself to his hunches and blinking, take in the cavern once again. He couldn't shake the feeling of being groggy but other then that he thought he would be fine and had no intention of remaining in sleep. He had spoken to Twig and her reply felt like half a scolding, and he would blush, bringing colour to pale cheeks, and a sheepish smile would start hesitantly at the corner of his lips.

His smile would die however as she pushed her nose into his cold and told him how he wasn't allowed to do that to him and his thoughts would trail to Fern. He wondered if her thoughts where also turning to her lost child and he would pull back slightly to look into her eyes for traces of sadness. He didn't think that as much of it was there this time, and the smile would return. He moved forward and offered her a lick on her forward. ?I'm sorry I scared you, and thank you for taking care of me? he would smile back, surprised at how much he trusted this wolf and the friendship that had sprung up between them. He was certain he never wanted to lose her, she had become a part of him.

He would bring himself fully to his paws now and shake off the last remains of his drowsiness, cautious not to aggravate his head injury at the same time. ?I'm suddenly ravenous? he would admit Do you want to find a bite to eat??
