
Hurt [open]



03-30-2013, 02:14 AM

Cetotorah could feel fear. Yes. The somewhat stoic brute felt fear and it was well placed. He'd heard many rumors about Tortuga and none of them had been very pleasant. This female seemed to be the epitome of what they stood for. She seemed to have no qualms going after his injured friend who was still lying in the bloody waters resting. She'd done absolutely nothing. Absolute fury overrode any fear he might have had. Rational thought flew out the proverbial window. Luana was his and he was Luana's. He felt the undeniable urge to be her guardian. He'd found her and then made a promise to himself that he'd be there for her. He no longer had any parents, and she had none either. So they would stick together through thick and thin, and right now she really needed him. He'd fight anything the world had to throw at him, including the Tortugan woman if it meant saving Luana.

An ear flicked backwards towards Luana as she said naught but his name. He let out a short breath and muscles quivered anxiously as he kept his composure. This wasn't going to end well, but this woman needed to back off and go find someone else to torment. He refused to allow her any farther. His attention didn't waver from the dame before him. Defenses never let up as he waited impatiently for the girl to leave. When she didn't and then denied him claiming he had no power in loner lands he snapped at the air with irritation the growls getting louder.

"Then I'll make you. I won't allow you any further."

With that the red eyed male threw all 37 inches of himself at the other wolf. His maw flashed open as teeth sought out to snap at any part of her face. This was a warning attack. He would back off if she made the notion to go. If she didn't he would continue attacking and fight her until there was only one victor. If he won she would have to leave. If he lost.... well, he didn't wanna think about that.
