
our tiny souls


04-09-2014, 07:27 PM

Dark lips would curl in a sneer, she seemed to attempt a demand from him and he would not respond to her request. He didn't have to, she was an outsider and he a pack wolf. His native tongue was not english, and although he could speak it, he preferred to keep his victims guessing or unknown to his intentions. She would continue to talk, the male listening with boredom clear in his eyes and posture. He stood over her, the distance no more then a couple feet, however. And before he made an attempt to respond, his Monarch would arrive. Good. This woman had trespassed, without so much as a courtesy call and now would have to answer to the unforgiving queen. Lips curled ever more as his eyes narrowed slightly, interest suddenly rising.

Cataleya would speak to her then, and Uisge knew all too well what might happen next. His queen would move, and he too would mirror her movements slightly as they boxed in the trespassing female. She could try to run, try to hide...but she wouldn't be able to outrun both of them. Not to mention one little call from either of them would bring more from Elysium, she was on their lands after all. He sneered, sapphire orbs narrowing as the female began to speak again. "Ye're a little late fer tha' now lass..." He purred, as he looked to Cataleya for no more then a brief second, seeking confirmation before turning his attention back to Victora.

Within a moment, his defenses would settle into place. Ears flattened, eyes narrowed, teeth slowly contorting into a snarl as his muzzle wrinkled, baring his fangs to their full extent. Muscles tensed, tail aligned with his spine and his scruff scrunched up as shoulders rolled forward. His head lowered slightly over his throat for protection, though he doubted she could really do anything to him. Legs bent slightly as his toes and claws dug into the ground for traction, and without warning he was off. With her back turned to him, this would be an easy approach. He closed the short gap of distance between them, fangs bared as his mouth opened to deliver a bite once he closed the gap. He would bear down on her, rising slightly onto his hind legs to attempt to wrap his forearms around her waist to try and hold her in place or off balance her. Teeth snaking forward to bite the middle of her back, teeth seeking to tear flesh. If he attained a grip, he would shake his head side to side to cause pain and perhaps tear into her more. He snarled and growled, his intentions to prove to Cataleya with this too, that he was worthy of being here, and perhaps attaining a better rank.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/3?

Defenses: 3rd paragraph

Attacks: attempting to wrap front legs around her waist, and then attempts to bite into the center of her back/spine.

Injuries: N/A

Out Of Character Notes: The position I attempted to set him in would pretty much look like he's mounting/humping her XD so her hind end would be pressing into his abdomen pretty much lol (Sorry. not meant to be dirty, its just the angle he came at.) Let me know if you want 2 or 3 rounds.