
Jump in Bed with Fame


04-09-2014, 08:39 PM

The weight of her skull on his shoulders was comforting and some small part of him was actually content in this moment, eyes closing against the feel of her body heat. Her words vibrated through his shoulders and he smiled, chuckling against the feel. "All mine for a short while?" he mused softly, a yawn stretching his jaws wide as tongue lolled over jaws languidly. He rolled his head to the side slightly, away from her chest so his cheek laid atop her paws so he could cast one verdant eye back at her, catching her watching him easily. He chuckled again, eyes slipping closed as he listened to the sound of her breathing once more, relaxing to it almost like someone would relax against the sound of the waves.

Her next comment made him join in the chuckle, a smirk pulling up at the edge of his lips as he thought back to the damsel in distress he had saved. "You think me some sort of knight in shining armour?" He asked easily, brow raising curiously as he opened his one eye again to look at her. "Your the only one I would ever care to save" Even as the words came out in his mind he back peddled a bit. what was he saying?
