
Last Chance at Ryven Babbus!!



4 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-09-2014, 08:48 PM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2014, 03:44 PM by Hani.)
Name change?: Lyre Kigu --> Esti Kigu
Design number:5.
As a Pup:
Mostly mischievous learning that other?s dismay can be very entertaining. She?s apt to gang up with (drag in) her siblings to help her achieve these goals. She sees herself as somewhat of a leader, wanting the others to help her in scheming a new way to have fun. (Spoiler: she doesn?t mature much)

Solid Traits:
Her adult personality might change due to Valhalla, but these traits probably won't.
Selfish || Playful || Powerful || Determined || Self-centered || Hedonistic

As an Adult (I think):
Her size is definitely something Esti is aware of. She values this strength and independence, knowing she will never be a ?damsel in distress? or rely on others to help her out. She doesn?t expect others to help her and in return she doesn?t feel the need to help others if she comes across them. She has a definite lack of empathy, though she is not completely heartless. It is unlikely that she will form many strong bonds with others, and even if she does, she is not altogether against betraying them if they offer her a good enough reward. This doesn?t mean, however, that she will not be capable of making friends or having companions- she definitely can and will- but they are somewhat disposable. If they stop being entertaining to her or become bothersome, she has no qualms about dropping them or turning on them. As long as they offer her fun or food or some other benefit though, why not?

Esti doesn?t see herself as completely elite or super special awesome. She simply cares about what she wants to care about when she wants to care about it. She?s aware of her own strength, but she?s not one to assume another is less cunning or more ruthless than herself. Not to say she won?t pick on someone obviously weaker than her, she just has common sense and is in touch with reality.

Her dark demeanor is not a result of a mental illness or undying rage, but simply desire and energy. She has a mentality of ?What, me worry?? in respect to most things. Her energy often is released as violence and violence excites her. Power excites her. If it?s exciting, it?s fun, and Esti is all about a good time? even/especially if it?s at someone else?s dismay

Esti is not one for fancy language or fancy anything really. She knows how to use those words, at least probably, but it?s a lot of effort to cover up the same meaning. She feels like most wolves are a bit stupid for trying to choose their words carefully instead of just saying what they want to.

In interacting with others, Esti tries to have fun. She can laugh and smile just as easily as she can scream and fight. It?s mostly a fifty/fifty chance with her though. If her energy is low, she can be just as grumpy as any wolf. When normal, she?s probably something close to more mischievous than evil. The higher her energy though, the closer her violent switch is to flicking on. Though it?s controllable, Esti sees no fun in trying to tame it. It?s easy for her to be manipulative due to her lack of empathy and extreme drive to have ?a good time? even if that means ruining another person?s time, so what? Why should she worry about that? If others wanted to be happy, they could work as hard as her to achieve it.

As far as family goes, Esti has less problems with them than the rest of the world. She was raised with them and if she has any loyalties or debts, they lie with her family. Her lack of empathy is severely weakened around her family, though it?s not like she?d ever break down because one of them was suffering, she is a selfish being, after all. She will take the task of helping them with little complaint, or with much complaining, but little resistance. She believes that any member of her family can probably rival her equally in wit and holds them in enough of a high regard that she would -probably- never betray them.

RP sample: (Lazuli gave me permission to ?reply? to her post)
Esti walked, no pranced, around the densite. She took a quick look around to see what everyone else was up to. It had to be fun right? The girl spotted her brother with a stick. It was perfect! She could have squealed with excitement, but she was too busy already looking for a stick. As soon as she found one, she plopped down and began gnawing on it. This was fun, wasn?t it? Of course it was! The stick made satisfying crackling sounds when her teeth slipped off of it or when they crushed into the wood. At some point she was aware her brother was above her, but she didn?t really care. This stick was taking a beating. It was getting crushed. She was stronger than it. She imagined that one day she?d chew through an entire tree. Her vision was cut short by her brother?s tapping, however. She offered a few warning growls, but when he reached for a stick it was OVER.

She let loose her toughest growl, yanking the stick, and her brother returned the pull. He was strong- like her. Esti lost interest in the actual stick and more of the competition. Who would be stronger? Esti felt the tension build up in her stomach, just waiting for her brother to mess up. It was too much. Her body felt hot, and suddenly the stick wasn?t enough; she needed a new target.

Esti couldn?t remember who let the stick loose first, and it didn?t matter. Within seconds the two pups were entwined with growls and barks and mouthfuls of fur. Small prickles of blood dotted her skin, but nothing too serious. Tears were exchanged on both sides, but neither would give in. It hurt, it cut deep into her core, releasing the built up heat. Through her tears, there was something else- excitement. She was enjoying this. The tingling on her skin, even the hurt, it was? fun. Who cared about a dumb old stick when your siblings could bite and feel your own bites?