
Jump in Bed with Fame


04-09-2014, 09:34 PM

It was a rare thing for the woman to be so content in anthers presence, but with him she was far more than content. A smirk would tug at her lips at his words. She would look at him as a yawn parted his jaws before her adjusted himself to look up at her. His laughter vibrated against her limbs, tickling them lightly.

He would tease her, referring to himself as a knight in shining armor, though the cliche hardly suited him. But before she toss smart ass remark his way, his words would make her pause. The words rolled around in her head, she silently tasted them against her tongue. Even he looked caught off guard by what he had said. The Queen would lift her crown in order to better look at him. The silence was deafening, perhaps she was reading to much into it, but the look on his face said she was not.

She was not good at this stuff. The woman had been born to kill, to torture, not to love or even care. She would take a moment to recover herself, giving him a dashing smile though it didn't reach her eyes. "No one else would be worth it." She would attempt to keep her voice steady though it wavered slightly. She had no idea how to react to this.