
Fruits of Paradise


04-09-2014, 11:17 PM

Lips would pull in a smirk at the man's laugh. Watching as he seated himself nearby before agreeing to her statement. Of course, he was a big, strong male, surely he went for larger prey, didn't bring himself to eat such pitiful meals or wait for animals to come snacking before striking them down. What a shame it would be if he was one of those wolves. Ears would twitch before swiveling to the side towards the man who introduced himself as Rivulet, an interesting name indeed. He happened to, see her trough the bushes. Oh really now? Selene was sure that she had not seen anyone nearby when she settled down, and with that pelt of his, she would have definitely noticed him around. ?Selene Olympus.? She would give a slight dip of her head to him in greeting, but that would be just about it.

?Surely it was my sc-? The woman's sentence was cut off by a snarl nearby, and her ears would go to the side, eyes narrowing in annoyance at the disturbance of what was a very young pup coming out of the bushes. A brow raised at the sight, this kid was barely even three months old and was already wandering alone and interacting with people it didn't know, did it want its life to end already? Selene would remain where she sat as she watched the pup quickly take an interest in her, asking if she was sick and if she was gonna die. A moment of silence would fall between the wolves before a short, amusing chuckle would leave the woman's jaws, her grey gaze going to to the man beside her briefly before going back to the child. ?Oh no no child, I am very healthy, what you smell is the aroma of a woman ready to create life.? She would lay fully on her stomach now, but would lift a paw just as another wolf showed and sat by a tree a few yards away. ?Run along, there is a playmate for you over there.? With that she would lift a foreleg and use her paw to wave/motion towards the she-wolf [misha] a few yards away sitting under a tree.

?Now what was I saying again?? She would turn her attention back onto Rivulet, head tilting as she tried to think of where they left off before the two disturbances showed up. A quickly as the kid showed up, she was dismissed from Selene's mind.


Awesome image by Raii! <3