
Helping Paw



04-09-2014, 11:43 PM
her screaming his name almost made me tear up :C

Breaths were short and quick, almost hyperventilating. Koi tried keeping eye contact with the man, tried to slow down hr breath but wasn't having much luck. He told her she wasn't going to die and that she should breath in and out, the earthquake would pass, just keep looking at him. Quickly she nodded her head to his words, her breathing slowly but surely becoming longer and not as rapid. Amber orbs stared into red and blue, an interesting combination of colors. She tried to block out the destruction going on around them, the crashing of stone into stone, the ripping of the earth, and the shaking, oh god the shaking was beginning to make her dizzy and nauseous.

As if he read her mind, the man asked what Koi's name was, even using cute in his sentence. A small smile formed at this, but she was still clearly scared. ?Koi, Koi Hutashi.? Her voice was raised when a thunderous crack sliced through the air, almost making her miss what his name was. Quelt, he was kind of new around here. ?Me too.? She added on, about being new here.

The shaking would begin to grow worse, and the earth around them seemed to be cracking faster than the eyes could keep up with. With what seemed like seconds the two were in the center of the circle of cracks, and it would suddenly jerk from beneath them, enough to make Koi yelp and almost fall to her knees. ?Quelt!? Before the poor girl could get back beside the man, the ground gave way. The last thing he would see was the pure fear, tear filled eyes of the little girl slip into the crumbling earth. Her blood curdling scream almost drowned out by the clashing rocks and earth. Everything went black.
