
Soothing waters, soothing company



11 Years
04-10-2014, 11:01 AM (This post was last modified: 06-06-2014, 11:33 PM by Bane.)
A fluttering was to be had in the elder chest when their muzzles touched together, a gingerly applied lick being given along the side of his mates neck to the top of her left cheek. Bane tilted his head to the right side and took in Tahlia's golden eyes staring back at him. "I... I guess I kinda have. Providing food for the mate to feed the non-weened pups in a den all day is getting to be kinda tedious, as I'm sure just lying in a den nursing and cleaning them does too." The elder joked. "Does it get tedious sometimes?" Bane caught himself as he described to monotony of the male and female perspective of raising young. "Touch? to that double entendre ma jolie fleur." Bane glanced away with warming cheeks, gaze returning when he felt her nose touch his.

The elder flicked his tongue out and grazed over her lips. "I haven't said I love you today Tahlia, I love you." His ears perked. She wanted to do something for him? "Ahhh, how about a fish? The salmon have been making their way up the river these past few days." Tahlia took note of this and turned towards the river, Bane not noticing if she said anything as he made the first motions of sitting down before getting back up and stalking away for a moment. He hoped the sounds of the river would mask his escape and that she wouldn't turn around.

The wild iris was easy to find and smelled as good as it looked, the river blossom being severed from the main plant in a snap of his jaws. He stalked back where she left him in a rather cheery mood. Bane then lay down on the river bank, a gleam in his eye as he watched Tahlia fish. Placing his head on a foreleg he toyed with the flower clenched in his maw, watching the river flow by without a care in the world.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•