



2 Years
04-10-2014, 11:44 AM
Nearly six months old, the boy was growing up. It was clear that he would not be the largest of his siblings, but Fakira was quickly filling out his big puppy ears and paws. He and his siblings would look like adults soon enough - but despite their obvious change in appearances they were still very much children. Which is why his father's disappearance had hit the boy hard. He had wandered just like his siblings, wondering where he could have gone, wondering where all of the wolves that had been there when they were first born had run off to as well. Only the children and their mother - who was surely crestfallen with the loss of her husband, were left on the island.

When he heard his call, he didn't believe it at first - it must have been a mistake, some foreigner wanting to see what was on the island, or his own ears playing tricks on him. Yet he would turn toward the source of the sound, staring off into the distance, frowning. His ears twitched, and the boy sighed, trotting off toward the call - if it wasn't his father then... maybe it was some other bit of family that had wandered this way. Who knew, maybe Eon had gotten his big boy howl. Snickering to himself he would quicken his pace, hoping that his siblings had decided to see who had come to the island as well.

As he drew closer he heard talking, and it would seem that he was one of the last ones to arrive - because he could smell and hear his siblings as well as his aunt on the shore. The boy's brows would furrow, and he jumped, hearing Pandora's Romanian tongue - and she raced past him toward... "Daddy?" Fakira could barely believe it - and stood rooted to where he stood. "Te-ai ?ntors?" 'You're back?' Tears welled in the boy's eyes, but he would look down and let the others properly greet Taurig. He was not angry with the male, but his emotions on the matter were a bit jumbled. He was glad to have him back - but the dark brute had gone and left them...