
sweet banana



5 Years
04-10-2014, 12:38 PM

Recently; Desire? had been spending most of her time near the north, and it was about time she started to expand upon that; After all she doesnt want to stick around in one place for to long unless it was to see those she loved most. She would stroll across the ground, Used to the rather cold Environment by now. Her fur was thick to protect her from harsh condition, and it was definitely unique. But today; she was feeling rather draggy; bored. She hadnt had another to give a spark to her day recently, When she met Arkham it had been at least a week ago. She had visited Solo though, and she couldnt deny that he was becoming one of her favourites, though she had yet to spend quality time with them all. He's wrapped in his Innocence, and as he grows up Desire? only hopes he doesnt change his ways. She would brush her thoughts aside for the time being, Her long doe like legs would carry her further and further up the Col, until she was interupted by another.

Her optics would roam over him in his curled up position, wondering why he'd choose to take a rest up here out of all places. Her shoulders would roll back in the efforts of obtaining the warmth, but her gaze would remain fixated upon him. "Tired?" She'd coo beneath her sultry breath; though by the looks of it it seems he was actually full of energy. She'd take in his fur, before looking upon the dark russet painted upon his face. Sitting; she'd take in the view.

image by Serendipity