
Talk the talk, walk the walk


04-10-2014, 05:46 PM

She wanted a mutual friendship between their packs. Glaciem wasn't the best at making friends, but this opportunity was one that Sendoa wasn't sure they could pass up. She listened intently, allowing her features to remain soft and relaxed - none too eager despite the slight raise in her heart rate. The silver Queen was good-natured, and was well versed - altogether a fine leader in the emerald eyes of the ice Queen. The pack was described as unorthodox, a shelter for the outcasts of society. This piqued Sendoa's interest - and wariness - but she listened on without fail. Effective, ruthless warriors, how could the icy kingdom pass them up? ?I would be the first to admit that Glaciem is no normal pack either. Amongst our ranks are proud, ambitious youngsters, and eager, possessive elders. Most are skilled, and those who are not are in training. We possess a standing alliance with Tortuga - which will of course be honored first and foremost, but I see no reason to deny you what you seek. A mutually benefitting friendship is hard to come by.? She paused to allow Cataleya to voice any terms in particular she sought, or else for the conversation to naturally flow elsewhere.
