
The Will of the Gods [Meeting]



04-10-2014, 05:46 PM

She would stand patiently as her younger sister would arrive, her familiar form coming close to nuzzle the Oracle. Song would give her similar affections, "An earthquake, I believe is what it's called. And I do not know if it will return, I will only pray it does not." SHe would give a quick snuggle to her young son Dhiren, hoping the meeting would not be too much for her young brood. "You will meet the pack today my loves." She would say quietly to her gathered children. A small kiss placed upon their heads. The beautiful for of her daughter Canta would arrive, her affection was taken and treasured as she nould nuzzle the girl's neck lovingly. She would say nothing to her comment yet, but would nod as she exclaimed her hope of not encountering the quakes again.
Tankyu'-sha would limp into the clearing, the alabaster she wolf would lower her ears, worried about her injury. "My body is fine, but have you been seen to?" Novel would appear, sitting next to the tiger dog, "You should see Novel after the meeting, and see if she can get rid of that limp for you." She would smile at the woman as her first born son would enter the meeting. She would push her head into his shoulder, letting him go to greet his sisters and aunt also commenting on the quake. Aurora would come to rest her affections upon her as well, allowing her comments of the quake too. "We are well, I hope to see the rest of yours here as well. How is your relationship with your young ones?" The woman would move off, she would gently nuzzle requiem. He seemed rather nervous, and she would nudge him encouragingly. Satu would bring in her question, which was rather odd considering how real it had been for the rest of them. She would smile at her kin as the girl flopped to the earth.
Magnus would suddenly bring himself into the clearing, an apology and illness upon his lips. "Magnus, we have missed you. I wish you to get well, please talk to Novel after the meeting." She would barely notice as Howl arrived, but shed would allow a slight smile for her brother as he found a seat for himself. Suddenly Legend found himself in her presence, he was still so exuberant. She idly wondered where he had been, surely he hadn't meant to miss his lessons right? She would nuzzle him back, hoping that he'd be able to keep himself mostly within the borders now that he was older. The reclusive Lily would even find her way back, another girl who had scarcely been seen or been to a lesson. She would think that it was her nervousness, it would be good for the woman to have private lessons at first. What she could only assume was Australis, would find himself within their midst, his look telling her all she needed to know of his relationship with his parents. It saddened her greatly that the boy would feel so alone. She would smile at him as he took a seat, making a note to talk to the boy.
Aria would be next to leave her words, a deep nod would be gien from Song as the she wolf would announce Haku's absense. "I hope the quake did not hurt him?" before the she wolf would move away her daughter Sound seemed to appear from nowhere. "Sound, I was so worried about you during the quake! Please don't wander off without telling me where you're going." She would nuzzle her daughter as she took a seat by her siblings. Viridiana and her children would bring themselves to the clearing. Two of the girls would growl back and forth, too quiet for the oracle to hear but she would see their narrowed gazes. She would lose her though as Anthem would bring himself slowly within the clearing. She would try and gain his attention with the wag of her tail and a smile, but she knew the end result of their run in with the Olypians had troubled him. It had hurt her to do such a thing to her very brother, but she could not allow a worse hurt upon him. She would take comfort in Saga, nuzzling the girl as she looked over the group. Cherokee was still gone, he had not answered her call.
She wished to cry at that moment, her heart was breaking as the moment ticked by without his comforting black and white form, but he was gone. Song would not wait any longer for him. "Good day everyone, it's heartening to see that you all are well and mostly unaffected by the earthquake. I gathered you here to take note of who might be hurt, but also to announce some more changes happening as well as promotions to announce." She would look to each of the present members, glad to see all of them. "I've waited a good amount of time, and I believe that I need to announce that I have chosen a new Guardian. Aria, will you accept this new role?" She would look to the she wolf she had known for so long, the woman she spoke to before any other in Alacritis. "Also, my first born son Dhiren, has been promoted to First Apprentice." She would look proudly to her son before announcing the next promotion, "Canta, will you accept the role of huntress? Novel, will you accept the role of Shaman? Howl, will you accept the role of Apostle? Tankyu-Sha, will you train under myself to become the Monk of our pack?" [ooc. To accept this role I need a commitment of at least 3 posts a week from Dhiren, and 2 from the teir 3 wolves. Azzy, I'm not exactly expecting Aria to accept so if she doesn't Song will shuffle some ranks around.] "Aurora, Magnus, I want you to take a break from your duties to take time for your family." It was not meant as a punishment, but both wolves needed a break. "Australis, Saga, Sutiron, Sound, Requiem, you will now all be considered Students, so you will be allowed to attend lessons. Viridiana, your brood may be promoted to student as well, if you so wish." She would aim a smile at the she wolf and her brood as she looked around to see how the ranks would be taken.
