
Talk the talk, walk the walk


04-10-2014, 07:13 PM

The silver Queen would listen intently. From the sounds of it, Glaciem and Elysium would get along just fine. However, Glaciem had another alliance, Tortuga, which would be honored first. The woman couldn't protest, she could understand so she would simply nod. A grin would lift her lips as the darker Queen gave her what she wanted, an alliance. "Excellent. My Conseiller, Meinx, may or may not make a visit here, she handles the finer details of politics, she does surprisingly well for her age." She had nothing specific she wanted to add onto the alliance, the only thing she wanted was Glaciems support, and she had achieved that.

She would fall silent, finding herself enjoying the conversation with this one. She was a strong, confident and able leader, one she could easily grow to like. "Does Glaciem have any enemies? Before I go seeking alliances elsewhere. If you don't mind my asking." She would not press for the information, though it would prove helpful so she wasn't caught in the middle of two warring packs. Her mind drifted, there were still several packs she needed to visit, and Tortuga had already been on her list, though it was helpful to know that they already had an alliance with Glaciem.