
Stay Frosty


03-30-2013, 10:30 AM
?Damn, how the hell did I end up here?? Elysian said to himself as he looked from the edge of probably the highest point of the peak, why he was wandering in such a place escaped him but he had to get to the other locations this land held some way. As his eyes scanned the vast ocean like view as each breath he took released an ice cold fog from his muzzle. His feet stood on the edge and he could have very well just fell off or perhaps slipped to his death far below. Something Elysian felt good doing, living life on the edge. ?Just a step away, just a breath away, I?m standing on the edge today, and it is at this very moment, I am alive. But asleep, trapped within my own dreams, and if I die before I wake. I pray the lord, my soul to take.? Elysian said as he leaned forward, wondering for a brief moment what if would be like to die. Would it be painful? Slow? Immanent? Perhaps fast? Painless? Peaceful? These thought flooded his mind as a sudden crack came from behind him, it was loud and snapped him out of his suicidal trance. When he opened his eyes he couldn?t see the ground beneath him but he wasn?t falling. He scrambled backwards so fast he nearly lost his footing, his heart skipped a few beats and his blood rushed at the sheer idea from falling from that cliff, his chest heaved as he rolled his eyes and turned his body to walk away. ?Note to self, never do that again.? He said walking away to continue his little journey.

The wind blew harshly through the desert-like landscape but instead of sand and stone in was snow and rock solid ice. His fur bristled and his pads felt frozen beneath him and his blood ice cold running thick through his veins like honey or syrup. Each step he took made a very deep footprint that went up to his shoulders. He found it hard to stay on the surface of the snow so he has been forced to travel in the snow, his could feel ice on his pads even as deep as he was. The snow came up to his chest but he pushed through like a train to reach his location. Witch as of now he wasn?t even sure was. Elysian grew tired and he was freezing cold. His eyes scanned over the snow and his glance reached a small black space on the wall of a rocky mountain. He wondered what it could have possibly been so he pushed forward a bit to see it more clearly. As he did he saw that the small space was a cave, his eyes widened and he grew slightly happy. Within moments he was pushed through most the snow to the entrance of the cave. His entered slowly wondering if anyone was there, exiting the snow shaking like a leaf in fall, his looked up and saw ice spikes hanging from the ceiling, which was dangerous but nothing for him to worry about. He entered the cave and noticed the ground was solid ice, possibly this used to be some source of water. He slipped upon entrance and fell down bashing his head on a lump. Suddenly everything went black and his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he blacked out. Blood leaking onto the ice from his head wound.