
Worlds can't part us

Twig I


04-10-2014, 08:05 PM

She would not know his thoughts before her dose of reality was given to him, if only his first premonitions had been the real story. He would freeze, and for a moment she would be afraid he might withdraw from her, but he would hold her closer still. A breath of slight relief would leave her jaws as the realization that she would not be abandoned, his warmth and sweet breath would caress her abused body. She would revel in his gentle touch as she wept upon his shoulder, she had thought she cried all of her tears for Fern already but still they would fall like new. He would murmur her name as she cried, a lighthouse of hope shining rays of light over her ocean of sadness. Relief would flood through her again as he would simply state her innocence. Finally he would lose a tad bit of his control, she could feel him shaking with rage as he gritted his teeth and asked of her assailant. "Erani, the alpha, has him held as a prisoner. They're waiting for me to recover before trying him," she would whimper into his shoulder.
Crucifix was so grown up now, almost fully a man and seeming ready to kill like one as well. She would not begrudge him the feeling, she had held it once too. Now that he was within her grasp, that vile piece of flesh, she couldn't bare to see him. She didn't know that she would be able to look at him at all, but with her brother having offered her the killing blow... She didn't know that she could do it. "He doesn't deserve to live. I don't want him to hurt anyone like he did to me ever again." her voice was quiet as she would lean into him after her revelation. A tired sigh leaving her lips harshly, "It's all been so exhausting.." she would lean further, laying her head upon his shoulder and closing her eyes. Even though the day had just begun, her confession would take a lot out of her.

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