
little talks


04-10-2014, 08:35 PM

Vibrant woman would wait as the rest of the pack departed around her, forms and figures dissipating as Vi sat patiently and watch Song in hopes to make eye contact and have her understand that Vi wanted to talk to her. Though her initial plan had been to only stay here for a short time to see what she could find out about her brother she had found herself enjoying this place, the people and the lands especially. But it would be time to go soon, she had plans and promises to fulfill but she felt the urge to speak to Song about it first, a woman she barely knew and yet owed so much to already. She quite liked this woman. So as the rest left Vi leaned down to cast a warning gaze at Hestia and Fia to behave before telling them all to stay put before stepping over them to meet with Song. "My Oracle do you have a moment?" She asked easily, words falling with practiced ease from her tongue as she moved to intercept Song if she hadn't already noted that Vi wanted to speak with her or to simply stand before her if Song had noted her gaze and had stayed behind while the others left. She was going to challenge for Seracia, that much she already knew. Where that would leave her with Ludicael she had yet to know and she truly wished to not leave on bad terms with this woman.

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