


04-10-2014, 08:51 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Requiem
How did you get here?: I followed a rainbow kangaroo.
Age: 15

Character's Name: Sonrisa
Age: 3 years
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: 34 inches
Appearance Description: Sonrisa has a large, masculine build that is packed with tightened muscles. Covering this intimidating body is a sheet of fur blacker than the night. It seems to look ruffled almost constantly, no matter how hard she tries to groom it. Its unruly length battles with its silkiness, and in the end she looks like a mess. Sonrisa always looks like a mess.

Despite her obsession with beauty, this tragic and ferocious female can never truly be pretty. As a pup, she was injured from a hard bite to the head, which left a nasty red scar and a temporarily fractured skull. The bones healed well enough, but parts of her growth plates were damaged, resulting in a slightly smaller right ear. Damage was also dealt to certain areas of her brain, deadening the nerves in one eye. This caused it to disappear completely, leaving her with an empty socket that is scarred and unnerving to behold. Her one remaining eye is a dull shade of moss green, uninteresting as well. She really has no appealing qualities - inside or out. Altogether Sonrisa is a horrifying monster with a personality to match, though all she longs for is to be thought of as beautiful.