
Stay Frosty

Aria I


03-30-2013, 11:43 AM

The shewolf had strayed away from her packlands, once again growing bored and wanting to explore. She was glad that her Sol did not care what they did, as long as the wolves were still loyal to the pack and didn't compromise their safety. If she did care then Aria would not be here at the time, she would be back in Ludicael hunting something for the pack and staying at camp because of her curious nature. She didn't even pay attention to where her paws led her, green eyes just watching the landscape change, ears swiveling left and right to various sounds popping up around her. She was in a calm and somewhat good mood today, not upset or annoyed by anything. The scabbed claw marks on her shoulder didn't even bother her anymore, they scabbed over enough to where the claw marks wouldn't reopen from her body moving too much.

Eventually the temperature had dropped more than in her lands, an icy chill in the air that wrapped around her body and tried to make its way through her thick fur and touch her skin with its icy touch. The farther she moved into the north the deeper the snow got, at first only at her paws but the more she walked the more it climbed up her leg until finally it was touching her chest. Aria did not mind, it would just help her work on her leg muscles. Hop, hop, hop. She moved through the snow, tongue hanging out the side of her mouth as she hopped through the snow. Every few moments she would come to a stop, shaking snow off her head and blinking green eyes, looking around before continuing on.

Finally the shewolf came to a stop, pulling herself out of the snow and climbing up onto a rock that was just barely popping out the top of the white landscape. Once on it she shook the snow out of her brown and white coat, stump of a tail wiggling behind her while she scanned the place, looking for a spot she could rest for a bit before moving on after walking for awhile. Left, right, left again, right again. There. Her gaze narrowed on a dark spot in the snow, was it a cave? Or perhaps a boulder just messing with her eyes. Oh well, it caught her attention and now she was going to check it out.

She leaned back on her legs, shifting her weight and then throwing herself forward into the snow, sending it up like a wave. Hop, hop, hop. She moved quickly, eyes focused on the dark spot as she moved. As she got closer the snow lessened, only up to her wrists now that she reached the entrance of what was now found to be a cave. "Interesting." She said to herself, stretching her head forward to sniff the air and let green eyes refocus in the darkness. Right away she smelled another wolf, very strong, probably just arrived but the longer she stood there she realized a body laying jut a bit in front of her. Sleeping perhaps? She carefully moved forward, body tensing and shifting as she realized the ground was covered in ice. "Excuse me, is it okay if I join you?" She asked in a gentle, non-aggressive tone. She moved close to the wolf, stepping to the side so she could meet his eyes but suddenly saw some blood coming from his head which quickly caused her to chuckle. What a ding dong, he probably slipped and hit his head.

With a sigh she lowered her head and licked the small wound on his head, clearing his fur of blood after a few seconds before taking a step back and looking around the cave. Perhaps there was a non-icy spot she could pull him to? She turned her body, green eyes scanning the cave, looking for a nice spot. After a few moments she managed to find one in the back of the cave so she went back and gently grabbed the male by the scruff and pulled slowly. He might be a heavier wolf because he was a male but he was on ice so it would be easier to pull him. Carefully she pulled him towards the back of the cave, finally stopping once she was able to get him off the ice. His head was still bleeding so she bent over and licked it a few times before finally lowering herself down, laying beside the male until he woke.

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