
No Sweeter Song Has Been Sung


04-10-2014, 09:08 PM

The large brute had finally grown tired of walking. He'd been walking all his life. Exploring these lands had been something of a passion for him, but that fire was gone. Adventures held no lust for him anymore. Hyperion's warm golden eyes had looked upon every corner of Alacritia. What he wanted now was to settle down. But in his heart he still held a strong distaste for packs and their unjust leaders. How could an old wolf settle down with no permanent home to sleep in?

He pushed his troubled mind aside for a moment and sniffed at the sweet-smelling breeze. Hyperion had woven a path between these trees for the last hour, taking in the dying smell of ripe apples. Summer was coming to a close, but the scent still floated on the air. He sighed heavily, feeling the burden of a long life on his chest. What could he do now? All this wandering had brought him nothing, had it? Knowledge, perhaps. Many stories to tell. But with no one to love, who could he tell them to?

In that moment, he desired nothing more than to have a litter of pups at his feet. Small paws to follow him, small eyes to gaze in wonder at him. But even before that, he desired a soul to share everything with. If only Aurora were alive again, just for this one day. If only... but he knew those thoughts were dangerous. Those thoughts would only bring him sadness. So he continued to brush his way through the orchard, admiring the changing colors of the leaves. Loneliness is my companion, he decided. I've grown so used to it by now.
