
mirror mirror


04-10-2014, 09:11 PM

Tiny babe would awake from him slumber, pulling himself up and trailing after her as she moved. It was only a short time before his voice would reach her ears and large ears would tip to catch them. Was everything alright? She stopped in her trek and allowed herself to sink to her haunches then slid her forepaws forward to lay before her son. Aside from her white paws and belly he really was a striking resemblance to her. "Yes and no... The earth shaking unsettled me a bit. Are you alright?" She asked softly, lantern gaze looking him over easily. Though she knew all her children were physically fine as nothing had fallen on them during the quake she wasn't sure how they would take it mentally. She knew that natural disasters affected everyone differently, flooding was her least favorite followed by the volcanic eruption. Though this had not been the worst she no longer felt especially secure on the ground she walked on. Would her children be mentally scarred by this? Would this be curious and ask questions? She wanted to talk to them all about what had happened.

She motioned for him to sit with her, pressing her nose against his shoulder tenderly before licking his forehead. "I feel like I haven't been there for you. I'm sorry for that... Soon I want us all to go somewhere where we can live together and you can be a prince... How does that sound?" She asked softly, flipping her hips over so she would watch her son closely. Fia had liked the idea of being a princess but not the idea of Vi leaving to make it happen. She still had to decide how to approach the subject. She didn't really know about the rest of her children. Had they made friends here? Did they like this place even? Would she be tearing them away from everything they knew if she won them a pack and carted them off to some land they had never even heard of? Before this quake she hadn't really worried about their thoughts of feelings but now... They were her children after all.

Table by Azil