
The Will of the Gods [Meeting]


04-10-2014, 09:26 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

Song would return her affection, asking after her family. A slow shake of the woman's delicate cranium would provide an answer well enough in the moment. "I will renew my struggle to mend those bonds, but at this time the family has fallen to pieces." Silken lyrics would murmur, the sorrow and self loathing evident in her faintly accented vocals as she explained her woes to the only one she could at the time.

She would watch the pack slowly trickle into the meeting, noting each in turn and realizing she recognized few of them. A slow sweep of her long alabaster plume across the dirt would bring it to wrap about her powerful forepaws as her moonstone orbs continued to watch it all with an aloof gaze. She noted the entrance of her mate, who appeared quite ill and emaciated. There was a sharp pang in her chest, and she began to haul herself to her feet to make sure he was okay, but stopped herself as she remembered the past few weeks. He'd left their children to fend for themselves and had not provided reason to her yet. Seating herself once more, she would simply hold his cerulean gaze with a detached mercury stare until he looked away. She was hurt, and didn't have it in her to revisit the memories of their past. If the ivory femme allowed herself a brief glimpse into their previous joy, she would break down completely. That could not happen, she needed to be strong, rebuild her family piece by laborious piece.

The entrance of her son also did not go unnoticed, and the tightening in her chest grew. He was quick to glare, and she was not immune to the hatred he bore for her and his father. No child deserved to feel such pain and suffer so greatly at an age so young. within moments she looked away from his cold face, that expression one she'd worn for a while in the beginning of her life. She knew what it was like, to feel alone and hated, cast out and without love. She'd borne that sorrow for seasons until she'd met... Magnus.

Song began to speak to her assembled pack, which had shrunk in number by the look of things. It was too bad, and Zlata had gone missing. Fear coursed through the lady's veins then, and her heart started to hammer in her chest. She would listen with half of her attention, pale audits flickering to capture her friend's speech absently as she struggled to find a reason for this. Had something happened? What if the quake had left her injured critically? When Song mentioned that she and her mate should take time away from their duties to be together with their babes, a small nod would be given from the giantess. "Thank you." She would murmur quietly to her pearl coated friend before getting to her feet and hurrying from the clearing. She needed to find her silver furred daughter, and be assured she was safe. Now or never. As soon as the alabaster queen had slipped into the shadows, she was off. Broad paws pounded over the mangrove roots, and it took little time to cross the marshy landscape and be out in the open. Here, she could track much better.

.:Exit a very worried Aurora:.
