
The Will of the Gods [Meeting]


04-10-2014, 09:38 PM

It was the howl that woke him numbly from his dreams, bi coloured eyes blinking the sleep away as he looked up at his mother to see her reaction. Then they were being ushered forth and the young pup lifted himself on unsteady legs, streatching them out briefly before trotting along behind the rest. He moved with his siblings, going ahead and falling back as usual. He chose to walk either with Vivek or Arisu, once even walking quietly beside Hestia but he gave Fia her space that she demanded. He was in the same boat as his brother, he had grown accustomed to the favouritism but the way Fia flaunted it in their faces made him want to fight her. Whatever, he was spending more time with Desiree now anyways, he could have their other mom all to himself. Maybe that was what kept him going. Maybe that was why when the arrived at the rather large meeting he sat silently near his mothers hip and stared at the ground while his sisters bickered. He paid no mind to the flood of wolves around him like his brother did or to the words of the woman as she spoke of names and ranks he did not recognize. But as his mothers name came up he did prick his ears, white lined eyes lifting to look first at the woman speaking and then to his mother. A student? What would he learn as a student? Who would he learn from? Would he meet some of the other children here? A flutter of excitement arose in his chest as he looked hopefully up at his mother, red tail giving one weak wag. Would she let them interact with the pack?