
Tearing Off A Part Of Me...



04-10-2014, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2014, 09:53 PM by Au�ra.)

Au?ra's vision went dark as she slumped forward. The world was spinning violently in a pain so intense it was almost transcendent. Blood and marrow clung to her fangs as she panted trying strongly not to vomit as she was still pinned beneath the boulder. The viking woman had succeeded in breaking the bone, if she could just steal herself a little longer to finish the deed. Closing her eyes she prayed and summoned her strength. While a healer by choice she was still a warrior born and she would not flee from pain or agony. "gaman ? leiden" she whispered to herself.

As Au?ra prepared the next bite, trying to stop her mind from spinning so she could actually strike her leg and not rock a familiar scent drifted into her nostrils. A sigh of relief slipped from her lips and she offered a weak smile. "Katja? takker gudene." She nodded as her sister spoke. Proud though she was she was not foolish and gratefully welcomed her sisters help. "Katja, kan du finne s?tvier?" She asked if her sister could find some nightshade to help ease her pain. She was worried she might black out from the pain and be unable to take anything or to direct her sister in the care. She was fairly certain Katja remembered what nightshade was. "?og kjerringrokk, n?r vannet. Jeg vil kombinere det med Trillium, sm? hvite blomster med tre kronblad og store blader." Au?ra also requested horsetails that grew near the water and she briefly described Trillium as a white flower with three petals and large leaves. Either she or Katja would use these to bind the would.

"Takk? Katja"
