
The Black Butterfly


04-10-2014, 11:42 PM

The Alliance with Glaciem had been successful, the Queen had been most helpful and even likable. The woman would depart from Glaciems borders, intending to return home only after a bit of exploration of the northern lands. She rarely ventured here, and she thought it would be beneficial. Paws pressed into the earth silently, muscles rolling fluidly beneath her silvery pelt. A smirk tugged at dark lips as a familiar scent invaded her nostrils. Kylar. He never seemed to be far from her, whether it was intentional or not. She would continue to move, he would catch up if he so desired.

Nostrils quivered, the wind shifting once more to favor her, bringing an all to familiar scent to her attention. Her pelt would bristle with immediate irritation. Her course would shift, turning to seek out the dark woman who had so foolishly wasted her time. Audits would twitch, catching bits of the conversation as she closed in. She attempted to come up at an angle, just behind Mariposa's left shoulder, not bothering to hide her approach. Her face would go stone cold as the bitch thought she could insult Elysium and get away with it.

She didn't care if her companion saw her or not, nor did she pay any mind to their conversation. The Queen had her sights set on the woman. The Queen came to a brief halt about 4 feet from the woman, watching her closely. "Such a foolish girl, you will learn that Elysium isn't to be toyed with." Without giving the girl time to respond, defenses settled into place shortly before her attack. Ears pinned against her skull, eyes narrowing to dangerous slits, hackles lifted, her tail straightened with her spine, limbs would spread and bend to better her balance. Powerful shoulders would roll forward, adding an extra layer of fat around her vitals, chin would tuck as her skull lowered to be level with spine. Abdominal muscles tightened, just before the Queen shot forward. She didn't care about the second wolf, Kylar had been fairly close, he would handle it.

Jaws unhinged, lips curled back to expose ivory daggers. She rushed forward, closing the distance between them in a few bounds. The Queen aimed to grab a hold of the woman by the left side of her neck, just behind her jawline. The silver woman would use her forward momentum to attempt to barrel into the woman's side, wanting her chest to collide with ebony girls shoulder. The Queen was larger, both taller and heavier, even if only by a little. Her goal was to knock the smaller woman off balance. The silver temptress would lift her right leg (from Cats POV), attempting to drap it across the woman's back, just behind her shoulders, wanting to keep the woman from getting to far from her reach, and so that if the woman tumbled, the Queen would already be standing over her.


ATTACKS: attacks from Mari's left side, jaws aimed to grab a hold of the left side of her neck, just behind her jawline (upper part of her neck). Her chest aims to collide with Mari's shoulder to knock her off balance. Right front leg will lift, attempting to land across her back, just behind the shoulders

DEFENSES: ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles lifted, shoulder rolled forward, tail straightened with spine, limbs spread and bent for better balance, chin tucked, skull level with her spine, abdominal muscles tightened


OOC: Permission by Dio to PP Kylar since he stalks her just about all the time

Edit: edited to change from claim to maim/dominance.