
Never Made It As A Wise Man


04-11-2014, 02:29 AM
OOC: Didn't realize Fern Gully was part of Seracia since I was looking at it through another board XD I'll just make it so Aiden came in looking for a specific herb growing in this region and Destruction allowed him safe passage for them.

Autumn had arrived, and he had yet to find something. His family, mainly, though he had no idea where to start looking. The male had remained in the South for the better part of the year, mainly hoping to see Destruction again, though now that she was the leader of a pack , he figured perhaps she had been much too busy to wander away and find him. Reddish brown ears flicked, though not from irritation or nervousness. Rather an unsettling sense of foreboding for himself. He was getting older, he was alone, he was different then others. He couldn't fight, had to be careful when he hunted, and always had to keep on the search for a fresh supply of the herbs he always needed. Today, he would come in search of a particular herb that grew in this season, horsetail was what he was looking for and he knew small quantities of it grew here.

The male would set about, nose to the ground and senses alert for any dangers. If he encountered dangerous wolves, he'd have to make like a horse and conjure the flight response. He was not a fighter, nor would he ever risk it with his condition. He had his family to find, and he'd be damned if he died before seeing them again! Golden honey eyes scanned the undergrowth, the morning sun unable to reach between the the walls of the gully, though the dawn sky would leave cool shadows upon the area, leaving in its wake a slight cooling breeze.

"Talk here."