
If Today Was Your Last Day


04-11-2014, 03:18 AM

The weather today seemed to be strange. He had woken up to a cloudy sky, seemingly wanting to rain, and just a couple hours later the sun had pushed through the clouds before being swallowed by them moments later. One brow rose up as honey golden eyes surveyed the sky, debating whether he should remain in the den he had created here or whether it would be safe to go down towards the water. With his luck, he would get caught in the rain. But at the same time, he had been within his den for a while now, and he wanted to stretch his legs. Perhaps he would find something interesting today, though nothing really changed throughout his days here. Seldom had he seen others along this part of the beach, for it was more secluded then the rest of it, his chosen place a little cut out outlet on the far southern side of the shores.

Dark sands would shift under his paws as he decided to move. The water lapping in steady intervals at the shores was such a familiar sound to him now, he knew he would miss it if he ever had to leave. He felt reluctant now, to leave the shores if he had to live elsewhere, for it was a place he had grown accustomed to. He lived alone here, and the lull of the waters and the gulls often helped him sleep at night. The cool breeze ruffled his fur, paws gently moving through centimeters of shallow waters as he moved along the sands. Could he really stay here forever? Or would this place be forced away from him like the home he had been born in? Only time and fate would tell, he supposed.

The male would make his way over to a jetty, a place of familiarity where he often went to sit and stare out at the ocean. This was a place of solitude, and he enjoyed it...although it did get lonesome. He wondered if today he would see the pod of Dolphins that seemed to have been around lately, they were always amusing to watch, and Aiden hoped that one day he would summon up the courage to wade into the water to get a closer look. Though for now, he felt somewhat content to just sit and watch. As he clambered over the rocks, ears would perk up at the sounds he had been hoping for. Above the sounds of gently crashing water, the dolphins sang and he eagerly moved along, honey golden orbs searching them out. It didn't take long for him to reach the end of the jetty, the breeze a little rougher out here, though it didn't bother him much since his winter coat was setting in now. He would stand there, ears erect and stance relaxed as he watched the young ones jump about. It certainly was an exciting thing to see, and how he longed to be out there, not having a care in the world..."Maybe after this life..."

"Talk here."