
The World Is Gonna Know Your Name



03-30-2013, 12:02 PM

Defenses were rocked into place, legs staggered, back legs sprawled, and his knees bent slightly. Head was hung low to defend his vitals and jaws were agape to make biting far more simpler. He would hold his defenses as she stood there, setting hers in and seeming to wonder what to think of his compliments. He hoped she would surely find them...amusing? Regardless of what she thought, the lord was quite skeptical of the ability for the battle at hand to be of any worth. She was a tiny little thing. Hardly reaching his shoulder, and he had every single intention of using her disadvantage to his advantage. Any way you pegged it, the Valhallan Arkhos was a vicious creature in the art of battle, and would hold back at nothing. Well, he held back as far as blinding, breaking (hopefully), and he didn't have too many plans to render her womb useless.

Salmon tongue sliding over his chops the woman came forth, her head high and features pressing forward with adamance. She would surge towards him (since you did not specify I will be assuming her head slightly went right to reach for his jaw) and the mane would rear up onto his hind legs as her head lightly tipped to the right and attempt to snag his jowls, she had failed, and the brute would try to use her momentum so that her bodice would careen slightly below his chest, and then the beast would fall.

Attempting to plummit atop her his back left leg would stretch forward, and his right back leg would remain backwards, balance stabilizing at full once his tail outstretched behind him. Right forearm would attempt to slide down the left side of her neck, and his left forearm would attempt to land into her right shoulder, weight making a deliberate attempt to shove her down, and if extremely lucky, dislodge her right shoulder. Jaws still agape the sire's eyes would narrow in on her mid back and he would attempt to find purchase right in the center.

If attacks fall successful, Collision will gain a few strained muscles in his left arm from the shock of jamming his appendage against her shoulder blade.

Injuries:Pending locked shoulder,

One Two Three Four

OOC:In fights like this, no, posting order does not matter. Aly, you and me pay attention to each other, and that is it. Shrap and Chrysanthe pay attention to each other, and that is it. If you go off of a different person's posting time, chances are, you will default.