
Stay Frosty

Aria I


03-30-2013, 12:58 PM

Aria remained with the male as he lay there, green eyes pulling away from the entrance of the cave every couple of minutes to check on him whenever he would twitch. She had her forelegs tucked in, her back ones out to the side. With head held high she resisted the urge to just take a short nap, not wanting to risk the male fading away. Whenever he went still she would lower her head so that his fur just barely brushed against her cheek, ear swiveling to the side to listen to his heartbeat. He seemed fine, the hit on his head probably was just hard enough in the right spot to make him pass out, he would be okay after he woke up.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed since finding the wolf, wasn't paying much attention to it. And even though she resisting the urge, her eyelids were becoming heavy, slowly sliding shut but just before they closed they would snap back open and she would shake her head. It was after one of these moments that the male beside her finally woke, jumping up breathing heavily. He did her surprise her, causing the shewolf to jump slightly but instead of standing up like he had she remained laying down. Laying down would show him she meant no harm, if she did then she would have attacked him instead of sitting here with him making sure he was okay. From there she watched him with a calm expression, eyes full of understanding and gentleness looking into ones alive and full of anger and fear. That was understandable, she would be feeling the same way if she suddenly woke up to find a wolf laying next to me.

He backed away, causing the shewolf to smile. He seemed so scared, and to her it was adorable. That look on his face, his actions, like a pup discovering it had wandered too far from its mother and was now lost. Suddenly he spoke, weird words leaving his lips. Was he not from around here? She had never heard that language before, foreigner? She raised an eyebrow at this, head tilting to the side as he dropped back down to the ground. It was at this time that she noticed the scars over his eye, just like hers. Did he have more on his body? The only other ones she had were the scabbed claw marks on her shoulder. This guy was becoming more and more interesting with each second that passed.

When he looked away Aria took this as the time for her to speak up, swiveling her ears and clearing her throat. "Do you speak english?" She asked him, not sure if he would understand because the first thing he said was in a different language. "I'm Aria." She added with a smile, lifting a paw and putting it to her chest. "I hope I did not frighten you, didn't want you to freeze in here with a fresh wound." She went on, motioning towards his head with her snout.

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