
Minute in a heartbeat


04-11-2014, 10:37 AM

The girl would come, with snark comments and confident filled up to her head around her. Which amused him, such a woman surely did deserve the rank of overseer, and he wasn't one to judge after all. He was brother of the crowned couple, he held some sort of special place here unlike the others but he proved to himself that it would not be wasted upon him. Raising his head, wafting off his own radiance of dominance. Brilliant slate blue fur, with a darker blue smile seemingly forever on his face. As he spread out his legs equally, digging nails into the dirt as he watched and listen to her speak. "If it was easy I wouldn't want to try." he smirked, amused by her. "Etern Armada, brother of the king and queen, let's give this a good fight." he said arching his back as he pulled his jowls back in grimace and growled.
The man would bend his knee's, pinning his ears against his head to protect them from any snagging. As well as his stomach muscles tightening for balance, enough for him without a tail. Spine becoming level as his toes dug into the soil launching him forward aiming to protrude his left shoulder into her own. If the made contact his head would swivel and tilt to right as his jaws opened to latch onto her leftside and rib cage, aiming to tear open flesh and expose the underbelly. Also his left leg lifting to sweep her left leg, hoping to lock near her elbow to over throw her.
His head tucked slightly, toes splayed out into the dirt with his eyes narrowed. Scruff rolled upwards to protect his neck from her marling teeth. Spine level with his position and abdomen muscles tightened. Lips pulled back with his exposed fangs as he threatened with deep growls as he initiated his attack.

1/2 for overseer

Attack: Etern's left shoulder will aim to ram into her own left shoulder. Hoping to lock, his head would aim for her side near her stomach and rib cage in a large bite full open jaw snap. His left leg lifting to hook her left and near her elbow in an attempt to also use his weight to flip her to her side and unbalance her. He is straight on her left side.

Defense: Eyes narrowed, spine level, toes splayed into the dirt. Head slightly tucked, ears pinned and abdomen tightened. Scruff rolled forward to protect his neck.

Injuries: N/A

Ooc: Me and Ais agreed on no time limit for the challenge ^w^ let's have a good fight!
