
myths of the vagabond heart


04-11-2014, 02:18 PM

an empire's fall
Altavro's ears remained pricked in the other's direction, and he listened to her words. A simple nod was the only response that he offered to her first statement, but it was her statements about the Nomads that caught his attention more effectively than her bland comments on the lack of heat. The first part, at least, Altavro didn't really care about. He'd said what he had to say on that subject. "I have the mark of a full Nomad," Altavro spoke with a hint of pride to his words, which was, in his opinion, fairly warranted. He had devoted four years of his life to learning herbs and injuries and illnesses, unlike those who left their pack at two or three, with only half of their marking completed - and only half of their training as well. In his opinion, they gave Nomads a bad name by masquerading around with their mark and not enough of their training. And what wolf would realize that they were only half trained besides another Nomad?

Another Healer - lucky him. Altavro flicked his ears as the other spoke, examining her thoughtfully. She didn't look like much, but perhaps she, too, was an excellent healer. Perhaps Altavro could learn from her. The locations of herbs, at least, could be helpful. "I have mostly theoretical experience," Altavro spoke simply enough, shrugging slightly as he addressed the other. He had spent most of his life training, and while he had tended to many wolves in his time, there was a vast amount of illnesses that he had not experienced, Altavro was certain of that. "But I am curious - are there any indigenous herbs that you know of in this area? There must be some, but I wouldn't know of any." This much, at least, was something that Altavro was eager to know. What kinds of herbs would he be able to find here that he could use to replace the herbs that he wouldn't find here? The Nomads had wandered far, but as far as he knew, the tribe as a whole had not ever wandered these lands, which meant that their herbal lore would not touch upon plants found only here.

in just one day