
You want to try it so give it a whirl[re-joining]



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-11-2014, 01:48 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2014, 01:50 PM by Erani.)
Erani Adravendi

Erani had been wondering about Vahva? The happiness in the female?s red eyes in the presence of the male she?d left with hadn?t felt right at all. The Vahva she knew was serious, and Surreal had said she was nice enough. Bubbly was something that might have fit her mother more, and Erani hadn?t liked the feeling he?d gotten from this mate of hers? And as though summoning the two by thought, their scents, along with the male, Quelt, brushed over her nose as she was lowering her head to lap at the lake for a drink.

Her head lifted and she peered across the lake at the three figures that came from the tree line on the outer side of the borders. Vahva seemed happy, but in a different manner. The male that had been posing as her mate seemed more like a prisoner under Quelt. Quietly, Erani padded around to greet them as Vahva fairly bounced to the border. As Erani came to a stop before the three, she cast a curious glance at Vahva. The happiness was genuine, this time. There was none of the hesitant, untrusting nature she usually held. Erani?s eyes turned to Krew, the piercing stare locking with the lime eyes, before her eyes lifted to Quelt.

?Vahva, niece, I find myself wondering what brings you back upon my borders, with your apparent mate as a prisoner.? Deep blue gaze turned to Vahva, a slight smile curving her lips. ?I take it my assumptions were correct, and that this male actually was a threat to my family? Taking you away under threats if you didn?t act as though all was well?? The deep blue gaze turned to Krews, the feral, glacial rage glimmering under the surface, the sword sliding from its scabbard. To Quelt, a small nod was given.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think